Father’s Day Raffle – Win a foursome at Oak Hills!

314 Beer Garden 314 Wilson Ave., Norwalk

Calling All Golf-Loving Dads! This Father’s Day, we’re raising a glass to the dads who swing both ways – with a golf club and a pint! Join us on June 16th from 12 PM - 7 PM for a chance to win: 1.  Golf - Foursome at Oak Hills 2.  Fiddlehead cooler packed with our best-selling beers 3.  $50 gift card Mention to the bartender that you are a dad and purchase any draft. They will give you a raffle ticket that enters you to win the prizes above. Winning ticket will be drawn at 7:30 PM. Tee up and tap in for a day of great brews and even better prizes! Cheers to all Dads!

Sugar Death Whistle

314 Beer Garden 314 Wilson Ave., Norwalk

Sugar Death Whistle specializes in original garage rock that’s part punk, part psychedelic, part folk and designed to inspire some foot-stomping and even a laugh or two. The Western CT-based band wrote most of the tunes themselves. They also sprinkle in some Tom Waits, Rolling Stones and Pavement. They also like to give away Sugar Death Whistle T-shirts and stickers to audience members who answer easy trivia questions. They are three close friends who want to play something that’s a little bit different—and their songs are never quite the same twice.