In the picturesque state of Connecticut, a group of passionate musicians found themselves united by their shared love for rock music. Laraine, a bold and dynamic vocalist with a commanding stage presence, dreamed of captivating audiences with her powerful voice. Zo, a charismatic and free-spirited bass player, brought a distinct groove and infectious energy to the band. Jack, a skilled guitarist with a natural talent for crafting mesmerizing melodies, added depth and texture to their sound. Dave, a versatile and soulful singer, complemented Laraine’s vocals with his unique tone and harmonies. And finally, Brien, a dynamic and explosive drummer, provided the driving force behind the band’s rhythm.
Hailing from different corners of Connecticut, their paths converged in the vibrant music scene of lower Fairfield county. They met through chance encounters at local gigs, where their mutual admiration for each other’s talent sparked the idea of forming a band that would push the boundaries of rock music.
In their small, cluttered practice space, located in the heart of Wilton, they began crafting their sound. The Elastic Edge sought to infuse their music with the spirit of rock ‘n’ roll legends of the past, while simultaneously creating a fresh and modern sound. Drawing inspiration from their collective experiences and the diverse music they grew up listening to, they embarked on a musical journey to redefine the rock genre.